Orders collection

fulfilment order collection


The pre-sale preparation process includes assembling the goods into an order and comes down to assembling it in accordance with consumer orders.

This work usually takes place in a special order collection area. Preparation, as well as documentation, is carried out through an automated warehouse system.

The address system for storing cargo and goods in a warehouse allows you to specify in the application the exact location for selecting the required goods.

Such a process usually involves:

  • receiving a request from a client;
  • selecting goods or cargo from a warehouse (pallet, box, piece) in accordance with the client's request;
  • completion, if necessary, with other articles, cargo from other commodity places;
  • preparing the goods for shipment - its packing in the appropriate container;
  • executing customs documents depending on the status of the goods;
  • executing transport documents;
  • combining goods into a batch for shipment;
  • loading into a vehicle.